For humans, it takes at least four years to get an undergraduate degree, perhaps two to three more for a post-graduate degree...or two. Over the years, one pursues an accumulation of knowledge and mastery while losing money and sleep.
Kitty Master
Recent Posts
5 Cats With Master Of Arts In Sleeping Anywhere
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 17, 2016 12:15:43 AM / by Kitty Master
Seven cats in Halloween costumes that are better than candy bars
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 1, 2016 10:45:46 PM / by Kitty Master posted in lolcat
Trick or treat! How about putting that candy bar down and enjoying these impeccable cats in Halloween costumes instead?
Is it bad luck to see a black cat?
[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 27, 2016 11:09:18 PM / by Kitty Master
Once upon a time, people believed black cats are bad luck. Even the Catholic Church in 1241 under Pope Gregory IX went as far as condemning black cats black cats as an incarnation of Satan and led to a mass killing of cats. Consequently, the decline in cat population may have worsened the Black Death a century after Gregory's time, because the plague was spread by rats and left unchecked in Europe.
How cats see the world
[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 24, 2016 9:00:00 AM / by Kitty Master
Ever wonder how your cat sees you or its surroudings? In a series of photos, artist Nickolay Lamm gives us a sneak peek on how cats see the world.
What is a Hemingway cat?
[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 21, 2016 10:06:05 AM / by Kitty Master posted in resource
"One cat just leads to another," wrote Ernest Hemingway to his first wife, Elizabeth Hadley Richardson in 1943.