The Ailurophile Gazette

Seven cats in Halloween costumes that are better than candy bars

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 1, 2016 10:45:46 PM / by Kitty Master posted in lolcat

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Trick or treat! How about putting that candy bar down and enjoying these impeccable cats in Halloween costumes instead?

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Ohai, welcome to Ailurophile Gazette!

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 22, 2016 9:42:45 PM / by Kitty Master posted in lolcat

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Hang tight, we're setting-up.

Meanwhile, here are top reasons why you should get a cat. Afterwards, send them our way for some super pampering and TLC.

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⚠️ Please know that this is part of a test website. If you're looking for an actual cat hotel, please go back to the home page for details.

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