Can cats have playdates? Yes! Cat playdates are a real thing and might just be the next best thing to automated laser toys. Though indoor cats generally enjoy playing by themselves, it may be a good idea specially for younger cats to meet cats from other households to engage in active play. Ever tried playing bite and scratch with your cat? Yeah, it wasn't particularly painless for us either.
The dummies' guide to cat playdates
[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 10, 2016 5:10:01 AM / by Kitty Master posted in cat behavior
How to pet a cat like a pro
[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 5, 2016 11:08:14 PM / by Kitty Master posted in resource, cat behavior
Ever feel jealous when you see videos of cat owners petting their cats and look so blissful as they run through the fluffball's soft kitty fur? Makes my toes curl just thinking about it. Best part is when they fall asleep whie in the middle of a petting session.
Deciphering your cat's body language
[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 23, 2016 7:50:18 PM / by Kitty Master posted in resource, cat behavior
Cats are a mysterious bunch but you don't have to be so clueless about their quirks. I'm sure we've all encountered a cat, want to feed or pet it and suddenly it either runs away or just refuses to acknowledge you (and in some cases, get hissed at)? Well, it all boils down to how much a cat trusts you and a cat's body language will show it. While humanity has tried its best to domesticate Felix catus for thousands of years, many of their wild traits and natural instinct to distrust humans remain.